About JSOT / History of JSOT

Emeritus Professor, Chiba University, Japan
Past Vice President, IUTOX
Advisor, ASIATOX
Emeritus member, Society of Toxicology, USA
Emeritus member, Japanese Society of Toxicology
1. Foundation of the JSOT
The foundations of the Japanese Society of Toxicology are found in the Toxicology Research Group (TRG) and the Toxic Action Research Group (TARG), which were independently created in 1975 and 1976, respectively. TRG membership consisted of veterinarians, while the TARG was geared towards medical and pharmaceutical researchers. In 1981, the two groups merged and the Japanese Society of Toxicological Sciences (JSTS) was founded as a non-profit scientific society. From its inception, the aims of the JSTS have been to promote the acquisition and utilization of knowledge in toxicology and to facilitate the exchange of information among its members, as well as among investigators worldwide. The JSTS was renamed the Japanese Society of Toxicology (JSOT) in 1997.
2. Mission
In support of the JSOT mission of advancing health through furthering understanding of and research in toxicology, the Society promotes the following activities:
1) Convening the annual meeting.
2) Publishing the official journal
3) Educating and certifying toxicologists
4) Conducting scientific and publicity related activities for members and the public.
5) Engaging in other programs/projects deemed necessary to support the JSOT mission.
1) Convening the annual meeting.
2) Publishing the official journal
3) Educating and certifying toxicologists
4) Conducting scientific and publicity related activities for members and the public.
5) Engaging in other programs/projects deemed necessary to support the JSOT mission.
3. Members
The JSOT has five recognized member categories: General members, Student members, Honorary members, Meritorious members and Supporting members. JSOT membership, which was 943 at the Society’s founding in 1981, had blossomed to 2652 as of March 2016, consisting of 2601 members in Japan and 51 from overseas – making it the second largest toxicology society in the world.
Among its current members are 42 associates from around the world, including 15 from Korea, 11 from the USA, nine from the UK, three from Canada, and one each from China and Denmark. Member affiliations are diverse as well, including industry and contract research organizations (70%), academia (22%), government agencies (6%), and others (2%).
Among its current members are 42 associates from around the world, including 15 from Korea, 11 from the USA, nine from the UK, three from Canada, and one each from China and Denmark. Member affiliations are diverse as well, including industry and contract research organizations (70%), academia (22%), government agencies (6%), and others (2%).
4. Founding Executive Committee Members (1981-1984)
Tsuneyoshi Tanabe (Faculty of Medicine, Hokkaido University)
Board of Directors
Fuminori Sakai (Faculty of Medicine, The University of Tokyo)
Tadashi Murano (Wakayama Medical University)
Hideyo Ishikawa (Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Tokyo)
Yoshito Omori (National Institute of Health Sciences)
Toshitsugu Oda (Faculty of Medicine, The University of Tokyo)
Masatoshi Tate (Faculty of Medicine, Gifu University)
Iwao Yanagiya (Faculty of Agriculture, Osaka Prefecture University)
Toshio Yamano (Faculty of Medicine, Osaka University)
Hidetoshi Yoshimura (Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyushu University)
Tomoji Yanagita (Central Institute for Experimental Animals)
Yuzo Tsukada (Faculty of Medicine, Keio University)
Shunichi Horiguchi (Faculty of Agriculture, Osaka Prefecture University)
Hideomi Fukuda (Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo)
Yutaka Kasuya (Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo)
Masayuki Ikeda (Faculty of Medicine, Tohoku University)
Yasuhiko Shirasu (The Institute of Environmental Toxicology)
Tomonori Imamichi (Nippon Veterinary and Life Science University)
Haruo Kitagawa (Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chiba University)
Ryuichi Kato (Faculty of Medicine, Keio University)
Toyoaki Hayama (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)
Tadashi Murano (Wakayama Medical University)
Hideyo Ishikawa (Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Tokyo)
Yoshito Omori (National Institute of Health Sciences)
Toshitsugu Oda (Faculty of Medicine, The University of Tokyo)
Masatoshi Tate (Faculty of Medicine, Gifu University)
Iwao Yanagiya (Faculty of Agriculture, Osaka Prefecture University)
Toshio Yamano (Faculty of Medicine, Osaka University)
Hidetoshi Yoshimura (Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyushu University)
Tomoji Yanagita (Central Institute for Experimental Animals)
Yuzo Tsukada (Faculty of Medicine, Keio University)
Shunichi Horiguchi (Faculty of Agriculture, Osaka Prefecture University)
Hideomi Fukuda (Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo)
Yutaka Kasuya (Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo)
Masayuki Ikeda (Faculty of Medicine, Tohoku University)
Yasuhiko Shirasu (The Institute of Environmental Toxicology)
Tomonori Imamichi (Nippon Veterinary and Life Science University)
Haruo Kitagawa (Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chiba University)
Ryuichi Kato (Faculty of Medicine, Keio University)
Toyoaki Hayama (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)
Kosaku Fujiwara (Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Tokyo)
Hajime Fujimura (Kyoto Pharmaceutical University)
Kiyoyuki Kawai (National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health)
Hajime Fujimura (Kyoto Pharmaceutical University)
Kiyoyuki Kawai (National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health)
5. Past Presidents
1st Tuneyoshi Tanabe (1981-1984) (Faculty of Medicine, Hokkaido University)
2nd, 3rd Fuminori Sakai (1984-1987, 1987-1990) (Faculty of Medicine, The University of Tokyo)
4th Osamu Wada (1990-1993) (Faculty of Medicine, The University of Tokyo)
5th Hideomi Fukuda (1993-1996) (Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo)
6th Yuji Kurokawa (1996-1999) (National Institute of Health Sciences)
7th Hideaki Karaki (1999-2001) (Faculty of Agriculture, Osaka Prefecture University)
8th Hitoshi Endou (2002-2004) (Faculty of Medicine, Kyorin University)
9th Taku Nagao (2005-2006.6) (National Institute of Health Sciences), Kunio Doi (2006.7-2007) (Faculty of Medicine, The University of Tokyo)
10th Yasushi Yamazoe (2008-2009) (Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tohoku University)
11th Takemi Yoshida (2010-2011) (Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Showa University)
12th Jun Kanno (2012-2013) (National Institute of Health Sciences)
2nd, 3rd Fuminori Sakai (1984-1987, 1987-1990) (Faculty of Medicine, The University of Tokyo)
4th Osamu Wada (1990-1993) (Faculty of Medicine, The University of Tokyo)
5th Hideomi Fukuda (1993-1996) (Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo)
6th Yuji Kurokawa (1996-1999) (National Institute of Health Sciences)
7th Hideaki Karaki (1999-2001) (Faculty of Agriculture, Osaka Prefecture University)
8th Hitoshi Endou (2002-2004) (Faculty of Medicine, Kyorin University)
9th Taku Nagao (2005-2006.6) (National Institute of Health Sciences), Kunio Doi (2006.7-2007) (Faculty of Medicine, The University of Tokyo)
10th Yasushi Yamazoe (2008-2009) (Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tohoku University)
11th Takemi Yoshida (2010-2011) (Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Showa University)
12th Jun Kanno (2012-2013) (National Institute of Health Sciences)
6. Board of Directors, Council and General Meeting
As of March 2016, JSOT’s managing structure included 20 Directors and 286 Councilors, 284 of which are from Japan and two are from overseas. The Board of Directors meets twice a year to draft the action plans of JSOT. The Council Meeting and the General Meeting are held once a year to discuss the action plans proposed by the Board of Directors.
7. Committees
The JSOT has established five strategic Committees to accomplish the Society activities: General Affairs, Editorial, Educational, Finance and Science, and Publicity.
Board of Directors
Board of Executive Directors (Board of General Affairs)
Editorial Committee
Educational Committee
Financial Committee
Science and Publicity Committee
Editorial Committee
Educational Committee
Financial Committee
Science and Publicity Committee
7.1. General Affairs Committee
The committee has two major responsibilities. The first is to strategically draw up the JSOT general action plans for the year by reviewing the plans proposed by the individual committees and preparing the subjects for discussion at Board of Directors meetings, the second is to manage JSOT membership, including nomination and approval of new councilors and members.
7.2. Editorial Committee
The official journal “Journal of Toxicological Sciences (JTS)” (Online ISSN: 1880-3989; Print ISSN: 0388-1350) was launched in 1981 to provide a dedicated forum for invited review articles and peer reviewed original papers.
In 2014, a second journal, “Fundamental Toxicological Sciences (Fund. Tox. Sci.) was launched and the editorial committee has put in place a highly efficient Web-based manuscript submission and peer review system.
The JTS has invited distinguished toxicologists from throughout the world to become Associate Editors and Editorial Board members. One of the Society’s top strategic priorities is the ongoing development of its journal. The JSOT is in the process of developing a new look and feel for the journal.
In 2014, a second journal, “Fundamental Toxicological Sciences (Fund. Tox. Sci.) was launched and the editorial committee has put in place a highly efficient Web-based manuscript submission and peer review system.
The JTS has invited distinguished toxicologists from throughout the world to become Associate Editors and Editorial Board members. One of the Society’s top strategic priorities is the ongoing development of its journal. The JSOT is in the process of developing a new look and feel for the journal.
7.3 Educational Committee
The main task of Education Committee is to stimulate the advancement of toxicology and improve the quality of toxicologists by sponsoring certification and recertification examinations, continuing education courses, and fundamental education courses. The Fundamental Education Course is held annually in agreement with scope and level of examination, and the Continuing Education Course is also held annually to offer state-of-the art information for toxicologists.
Since 1995, the Board of Directors of JSOT has seriously discussed the accreditation and certification of toxicologists in Japan. After extensive deliberations, the certification program of toxicologists was newly launched in 1997 under the control of the Education Committee. The various aspects of our certification examination are similar to those of the American Board of Toxicology. At the first certification examination in 1997, 99 toxicologists were certified by the JSOT as Diplomats of the Japanese Society of Toxicology (DJST).
The written examination has been offered every year, and 536 toxicologists have been formally approved as diplomats as of March 2016. In total, 78% of the diplomats are from industry, 14% from academia, and 8% are from various national institutes, research institutes, and foundations. The number of emeritus toxicologists is 43 as of March 2016. Diplomats can be recertified every five years based upon their active practice of toxicology, and if maintaining expert knowledge in general toxicology.
Each applicant must have had a principal involvement in the practice of toxicology, in addition to the appropriate background education. The examination covers all aspects of toxicology and toxicity testing. Certified Toxicologists should have knowledge that encompasses all aspects of toxicology, and should be able to conduct proper toxicological planning, testing, evaluations, and risk assessment (For Details, see Item 8).
Since 1995, the Board of Directors of JSOT has seriously discussed the accreditation and certification of toxicologists in Japan. After extensive deliberations, the certification program of toxicologists was newly launched in 1997 under the control of the Education Committee. The various aspects of our certification examination are similar to those of the American Board of Toxicology. At the first certification examination in 1997, 99 toxicologists were certified by the JSOT as Diplomats of the Japanese Society of Toxicology (DJST).
The written examination has been offered every year, and 536 toxicologists have been formally approved as diplomats as of March 2016. In total, 78% of the diplomats are from industry, 14% from academia, and 8% are from various national institutes, research institutes, and foundations. The number of emeritus toxicologists is 43 as of March 2016. Diplomats can be recertified every five years based upon their active practice of toxicology, and if maintaining expert knowledge in general toxicology.
Each applicant must have had a principal involvement in the practice of toxicology, in addition to the appropriate background education. The examination covers all aspects of toxicology and toxicity testing. Certified Toxicologists should have knowledge that encompasses all aspects of toxicology, and should be able to conduct proper toxicological planning, testing, evaluations, and risk assessment (For Details, see Item 8).
7.4. Financial Committee
The Financial Committee deals with all of the financial issues of the JSOT. The JSOT has continued to make progress in strengthening the financial foundation of the Society. Major steps are taken to set up and implement a system for monitoring ongoing financial actions and to develop future plans. In addition, the Society has considered modernizing and upgrading the budget and expenditures management process. The The JSOT has 48 supporting members, mainly employed in private industries, who have financially supported the achievement of the strategic plans of the Society.
7.5. Science and Publicity Committee
JSOT has provided public education lectures on toxicology since 1995 at its annual meetings, and in 2006 the JSOT website was redesigned to include links to other toxicology-related websites. Our website also presents updated information in both Japanese and English for its worldwide membership. These activities fall under the auspices of the Science and Publicity Committee. Furthermore, in addition to the Best Paper Awards, each year the JSOT presents other prestigious awards such as the Toxicological Science Award and the Young Investigator Awards in recognition of distinguished toxicologists, based on the judgment of the Awards Subcommittee, which is organized under the control of the Science and Publicity Committee. Award recipients are honored at a special ceremony at the JSOT annual meeting, and their names are listed in the JSOT publications.
8. Accreditation and professional certification program
A JSOT certification program for toxicologists, based on annual closed book examinations, was launched in 1997, with the content and level of examination questions selected to be comparable to those provided by the American Board of Toxicology. At the first DJST certification examination for in 1999, 148 toxicologists were certified. As of June 2014, 454 toxicologists have been formally approved. Furthermore, as of March 1, Forty three Emeritus Diplomats of the Japanese Society of Toxicologists (EDJST) were certified. Approximately 80% of the Society’s diplomats are from industry, 12% from academia, and 8% from other fields. Diplomats may be recertified every five years provided they remain in active toxicology practice and maintain an expert level of knowledge in general toxicology.
8.1 Public education lecture
To promote public education in toxicology, JSOT has organized a lecture for public during each year’s annual meeting. Scientific experts are invited to give a lecture on a popular and important topic related to clinical medicine and drug therapy.
9. JSOT Awards
9.1 The JSOT Award
JSOT Award, which was instituted in 2006, is presented to recognize individuals with long and distinguished careers in toxicology at the national and international level. Achievement in academia or industry may also be recognized. The names of the awardees are listed below:
2007 Takemi Yoshida (Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Showa University)
2008 Kunio Doi (Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Tokyo)
2009 Ikuo Horii (Pfizer Inc.)
2010 Shuji Tsuda (Faculty of Agriculture, Iwate University)
2011 Akira Naganuma (Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tohoku University)
2012 Sunao Manabe (Daiichi Sankyo Company, Limited)
2013 Yasushi Yamazoe (Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tohoku University)
2014 Jun Kanno (National Institute of Health Sciences)
2015 Chiharu Toyama (Faculty of Medicine, The University of Tokyo)
2008 Kunio Doi (Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Tokyo)
2009 Ikuo Horii (Pfizer Inc.)
2010 Shuji Tsuda (Faculty of Agriculture, Iwate University)
2011 Akira Naganuma (Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tohoku University)
2012 Sunao Manabe (Daiichi Sankyo Company, Limited)
2013 Yasushi Yamazoe (Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tohoku University)
2014 Jun Kanno (National Institute of Health Sciences)
2015 Chiharu Toyama (Faculty of Medicine, The University of Tokyo)
9.2 Distinguished Scholar Award
This award, which was instituted in 2013, is presented to individuals who are not JSOT members, but who have long and distinguished careers in toxicology at the international level. The nomination committee nominates one candidate every year.
Recipient 2014
Morinobu Endo (Prof. Shinshu Univ., Japan)
9.3 The JSOT Young Scientist Award
The JSOT Achievement Award is presented to the members of the Society who are younger than 40 years old and who have made significant contributions to toxicology. The JSOT Achievement Award was first awarded in 2007.
2007 Mayumi Ishizuka and Tsuyoshi Nakanishi
2008 Naoki Kiyosawa and Gi-Wook Hwang
2009 Tamio Fukushima, Yasuyuki Fujiwara, and Mitsuyasu Tabo
2010 Yaichiro Kotake and Toshinori Yamamoto
2011 Takeki Uehara, Takashi Ashino, and Kazuyoshi Kumagai
2012 Tomoki Kimura and Yasuhiro Shinkai
2013 Tautomu Takahashi and Koichi Goto
2014 Yoshinori Okamoto and Wataru Yoshioka
2015 Jin-Yong Lee and Hitomi Fujishiro
2008 Naoki Kiyosawa and Gi-Wook Hwang
2009 Tamio Fukushima, Yasuyuki Fujiwara, and Mitsuyasu Tabo
2010 Yaichiro Kotake and Toshinori Yamamoto
2011 Takeki Uehara, Takashi Ashino, and Kazuyoshi Kumagai
2012 Tomoki Kimura and Yasuhiro Shinkai
2013 Tautomu Takahashi and Koichi Goto
2014 Yoshinori Okamoto and Wataru Yoshioka
2015 Jin-Yong Lee and Hitomi Fujishiro
9.4 Outstanding Technology Award
This award, which was instituted in 2010 to foster the young toxicologists, is presented to JSOT members who are younger than 40 years old and who have made distinguished technology advancements in toxicology. The nomination committee nominates no more than three candidates for this award yearly.
2011 Yuki Inoue, Morihiko Hirota, and Katsutoshi Ohno
2012 Takafumi Kimoto, Kaori Abe-Tomizawa, and Kazuaki Nakamura
2013 Takayuki Abo, Satomi Onoue, and Kenji Taki
2014 Kou Omura, Takashi Toyama, and Tomoki Fukuyama
2015 Yoshiyuki Suzuki, Takuo Mizukami, and Akihito Yamashita
2012 Takafumi Kimoto, Kaori Abe-Tomizawa, and Kazuaki Nakamura
2013 Takayuki Abo, Satomi Onoue, and Kenji Taki
2014 Kou Omura, Takashi Toyama, and Tomoki Fukuyama
2015 Yoshiyuki Suzuki, Takuo Mizukami, and Akihito Yamashita
9.5 Best Paper Award
Based on the judgment of the Educational Committee, the JSOT bestows its Best Paper Awards (Tanabe Award) upon the authors of the best scientific papers appearing in the official journal of the Society, the Journal of Toxicological Sciences. The Editorial Committee is responsible for nominating candidates of the Best Paper Awards.
All society members who have published an excellent or promising (original article) in JTS (regular issue) are eligible for this award. In principle, up to four research papers may be selected for recognition each year. However, if none of the papers published are judged to be especially worthy of recognition, no award will be bestowed.
The numbers in parentheses indicate the number of awards per each year.
All society members who have published an excellent or promising (original article) in JTS (regular issue) are eligible for this award. In principle, up to four research papers may be selected for recognition each year. However, if none of the papers published are judged to be especially worthy of recognition, no award will be bestowed.
The numbers in parentheses indicate the number of awards per each year.
1995 (2)
Sekio Nagayama, Tsuyoshi Yokoi, Yasuro Kawaguchi, and Tetsuya Kamataki
Takashi Mitamura, Atsushi Yamada, Hisao Ishida, Shiro Fujihira, Kaname Ohara, Hideyo Noguchi, and Yasuhiro Mine
1996 (2)
Minoru Tamagawa, Jiro Morita, and Ichiro Naruse
Yoshihiro Futamura
1997 (1)
Harushige Ozaki, Kazuyuki Kurata, Akira Horinouchi, and Takao Ando
1998 (2)
Tetsuyo Kijimura, Hiroshi Satoh, and Mamoru Nomura
Shigeru Iida, Hirofumi Misaka, and Masato Naya
1999 (2)
Yoshimasa Hamada and Yoshihiro Futamura
Kyoko Miura, Yuka Kobayashi, Haruka Toyoda, and Nobumasa Imura
2000 (2)
Masako Kaneto, Susumu Kanamori, Katsumi Hara, and Kurajiro Kishi
Masaaki Mori, Hiroshi Kobayashi, Chiyomi Sugitama, Yoshiko Katsumura, and Chie Furihata
Yasuna Kobayashi, Naomi Ohshiro, Michiya Suzuki, Tadanori Sasaki, Shogo Tokuyama, Takemi Yoshida, and Toshinori Yamamoto
Takako Gotohda, Aki Kuwada, Kyoji Morita, Shin-ichi Kubo, and Itsuo Tokunaga
2002 (5)
Toru Tamura, Kunitoshi Mitsumori, Horoshi Onodera, Nariaki Fujimoto, Kazuo Yasuhara, Kiyoshi Takegawa, Hisayoshi Takagi, and Masao Hirose
Kimiyoshi Kitamura, Kazuyuki Yoshikawa, Masahiko Iwama, and Minako Nagao
Takako Hamano, Kiyoshi Kobayashi, Tetsuya Sakairi, Masao Hayashi, and Mamoru Mutai
Yoshiki Ban, Masato Naya, Tatsuya Nishimura, Masako Kaneto, Kurajiro Kishi, Tadahiro Inoue, Hiroshi Yoshizaki, and Yojiro Ooshima
Masashi Kato, Katsuhiro Fukunishi. Sunao Ikegawa, Hashihiro Higuchi, Masako Sato, Masao Horomoto, and Shin Ito
2003 (4)
Chiaki Katoh, Satoshi Kitajima, Yumiko Saga, Jun Kanno, Ikuo Horii, and Tohru Inoue
Masami Suzuki, Kiyoka Katsuyama, Kenji Adachi, Yumie Ohawa, Keigo Yorozu, Eteuko Fujii, Yasuyuki Misawa, and Tetsuro, Sugimoto
Kazuyuki Nagami, Yasunaga Kawashima, Hiroshi Kuno, Masayuki Kemi, and Hiroyoshi Matsumoto
Akiko Suda, Masahiro Yamashita, Mitsuyuki Tabei, Kazuhiko Taguchi, Hans-Werner Vohr, Naohisa Tsutsui, Ritsuyoshi Suzuki, Katsuaki Kikuchi, Keisuke Sakaguchi, Kouki Mochizuki, and Kazuichi Nakamura
2004 (2)
Akira Unami, Yasuo Shinohara, Tomokazu Ichikawa, and Yoshinobu Baba
Tingting Sun, Tangeng Ma, and Ing, K. Ho
2005 (2)
Hiroaki Takahashi
Hiroshi Ono, Yoshiaki Saito, Kiyoshi Imai, and Masanobu Kato
2006 (3)
Lu-Tai Tien, Lir-Wan Fan, Tangeng Ma, Horace H. Loh, and Ing Kang Ho
Nobuaki Matsui, Kazumi Kasajima, Masazumi Hada, Tomomi Nagata, Nobuko Senga, Yumiko Yasui, Nobuyuki Fukuishi, and Masaaki Akagi
Toshinori Yamamoto, Tamio Fukushima, Rie Kakkawa, Hiroshi Yamada, and Ikuo Horii
Toshinori Yamamoto, Rie Kikkawa, Hiroshi Yamada, and Ikuo Horii
Yuka Kohda, Yoshiko Matsunaga, Ryugo Shota, Tomohiko Satoh, Yuko Kishi, Yoshiko Kawai, and Munekazu Gemba
2008 (3)
Kayo Sumida, Koichi Saito, Kenji Oeda, Masanori Otsuka, Kazunari Tsujimura, Hideki Miyaura, Masaru Sekijima, Koji Nakayama, Yukiko Kawano, Yuki Kawakami, Makoto Asamoto, and Tomoyuki Shirai
Toshinori Yamamoto, Kaori Tomizawa, Masaaki Fujikawa, Yasushi Sato, Hiroshi Yamada, and Ikuo Horii
Tamio Fukushima, Yoshimasa Hamada, Hiroshi Yamada, and Ikuo Horii
2009 (4)
Masaaki Miyazawa, Yuichi Ito, Nanae Kosaka, Yuko Nukada, Hitoshi Sakaguchi, Hiroyuki Suzuki, and Naohiro Nishiyama
Yuka Kohda, Hisashi Shirakawa, Kazuhiko Yamane, Kaoru Otsuka, Tatsuji Kono, Fumio Terasaki, and Takao Tanaka
Kiyoshi Shibuya, Junko S. Suzuki, Hideaki Kito, Akira Naganuma, Chiharu Tohyama, and Masahiko Satoh
Hiroaki Miida, Yumiko Noritake, Hitomi Shimoda, Kumi Honda, Toshiki Matsuoka, Ken Sakurai, Makoto Shirai, Sunao Manabe, Wataru Takasaki, and Koichi Ueno
2010 (4)
Mitsuhiro Hirode, Ko Omura, Naoki Kiyosawa, Takeki Uehara, Toshinobu Shimuzu, Atsushi Ono, Toshikazu Miyagishima, Taku Nagao, Yasuo Ohno, and Tetsuro Urushidani
Yasufumi Shutoh, Makio Takeda, Ryoichi Ohtsuka, Atsuko Haishima, Satoru Yamaguchi, Hideaki Fujie, Yutaka Komatsu, Keizo Maita, and Takanori Harada
Daigo Sumi, Yumiko Numasawa, Akiko Endo, Noriko Iwamoto, and Yoshito Kumagai
Toshihiko Makino, Junzo Kinoshita, Shingo Arakawa, Kazumi Ito, Yosuke Ando, Takashi Yamoto, Munehiro Teranishi, Atsushi Sanbuissho, and Hiroyuki Nakayama
2011 (4)
Akiko Honda, Hiroaki Komuro, Tatsuya Hasegawa, Yoshiyuki Seko, Akinori Shimada, Hisamitsu Nagase, Isao Hozumi, Takashi Inuzuka, Hideaki Hara, Yasuyuki Fujiwara, and Masahiko Satoh
Yuki Matsumoto, Takumi Ishida, Tomoki Takeda, Takayuki Koga, Misaki Fujii, Yuji Ishii, Yoshinori Fujimura, Daisuke Miura, Hiroyuki Wariishi, and Hideyuki Yamada
Naoteru Koseki, Jiro Deguchi, Toru Yamada, Hitoshi Funabashi, and Takaki Seki
Daigo Sumi, Masako Akimori, Ken-ichiro Inoue, Hirohisa Takano, and Yoshito Kumagai
2012 (4)
Maki Tokumoto, Yasuyuki Fujiwara, Akinori Shimada, Tatsuya Hasegawa, Yoshiyuki Seko, Hisamitsu Nagase, and Masahiko Satoh
Hidetoshi Shindoh, Kohnosuke Nakano, Takemi Yoshida, and Masaki Ishigai
Akio Kobayashi, Hideaki Yokoyama, Jiro Kataoka, Tomio Ishida, Hideyuki Kuno, Shoichiro Sugai, Hiroyuki Sakakibara and Kayoko Shimoi
Noriyuki Suzuki, Satoshi Ando, Kayo Sumida, Nobuyuki Horie, and Koichi Saito
2013 (4)
Katsuhide Igarashi, Satoshi Kitajima, Ken-ichi Aisaki, Kentaro Tanemura, Yuhji Taquahashi, Noriko Moriyama, Eriko Ikeno, Nae Matsuda, Yumiko Saga, Bruce Blumberg, and Jun Kanno
Shingo Arakawa, Takanori Maejima, Kazunori Fujimoto, Takashi Yamaguchi, Masae Yagi, Tomomi Sugiura, Ryo Atsumi, and Yasushi Yamazoe
Reiko Hirose, Takashi Miura, Ryo Sha, Yasuhiro Shinkai, Toshiko Tanaka-Kagawa, and Yoshito Kumagai
Eriko Taniai, Atsunori Yafune, Hitomi Hayashi, Megu Itahashi, Yukiko Hara-Kudo, Kazuhiko Suzuki, Kunitoshi Mitsumori, and Makoto Shibutani
2014 (4)
Midori Yoshida, Daisetsu Suzuki, Kiyoshi Matsumoto, Mariko Shirota, Kaoru Inoue, Miwa Takahashi, Takeshi Morita, and Atsushi Ono
Takashi Toyama, Yasuhiro Shinkai, Toshiyuki Kaji, and Yoshito Kumagai.
Keishi Ishida, Yaichiro Kotake, Masatsugu Miyara, Kaori Aoki, Seigo Sanoh, Yasunari Kanda, and Shigeru Ohta
Nobuhiko Miura, Atsushige Ashimori, Asuka Takeuchi, Katsumi Ohtani, Naoko Takada, Yukie Yanagiba, Masaharu Mita, Masako Togawa, and Tatsuya Hasegawa
2015 (3)
Yukiko Kametani, Shigenori Iwai, Isao Kuraoka
Akihito Yamashita, Hiroshi Inada, Kazuhiro Chihara, Toru Yamada, Jiro Deguchi, and Hitoshi Funabashi
Ke Du, Tsutomu Takahashi, Shusuke Kuge, Akira Naganuma, and Gi-Wook Hwang
Sekio Nagayama, Tsuyoshi Yokoi, Yasuro Kawaguchi, and Tetsuya Kamataki
Takashi Mitamura, Atsushi Yamada, Hisao Ishida, Shiro Fujihira, Kaname Ohara, Hideyo Noguchi, and Yasuhiro Mine
1996 (2)
Minoru Tamagawa, Jiro Morita, and Ichiro Naruse
Yoshihiro Futamura
1997 (1)
Harushige Ozaki, Kazuyuki Kurata, Akira Horinouchi, and Takao Ando
1998 (2)
Tetsuyo Kijimura, Hiroshi Satoh, and Mamoru Nomura
Shigeru Iida, Hirofumi Misaka, and Masato Naya
1999 (2)
Yoshimasa Hamada and Yoshihiro Futamura
Kyoko Miura, Yuka Kobayashi, Haruka Toyoda, and Nobumasa Imura
2000 (2)
Masako Kaneto, Susumu Kanamori, Katsumi Hara, and Kurajiro Kishi
Masaaki Mori, Hiroshi Kobayashi, Chiyomi Sugitama, Yoshiko Katsumura, and Chie Furihata
Yasuna Kobayashi, Naomi Ohshiro, Michiya Suzuki, Tadanori Sasaki, Shogo Tokuyama, Takemi Yoshida, and Toshinori Yamamoto
Takako Gotohda, Aki Kuwada, Kyoji Morita, Shin-ichi Kubo, and Itsuo Tokunaga
2002 (5)
Toru Tamura, Kunitoshi Mitsumori, Horoshi Onodera, Nariaki Fujimoto, Kazuo Yasuhara, Kiyoshi Takegawa, Hisayoshi Takagi, and Masao Hirose
Kimiyoshi Kitamura, Kazuyuki Yoshikawa, Masahiko Iwama, and Minako Nagao
Takako Hamano, Kiyoshi Kobayashi, Tetsuya Sakairi, Masao Hayashi, and Mamoru Mutai
Yoshiki Ban, Masato Naya, Tatsuya Nishimura, Masako Kaneto, Kurajiro Kishi, Tadahiro Inoue, Hiroshi Yoshizaki, and Yojiro Ooshima
Masashi Kato, Katsuhiro Fukunishi. Sunao Ikegawa, Hashihiro Higuchi, Masako Sato, Masao Horomoto, and Shin Ito
2003 (4)
Chiaki Katoh, Satoshi Kitajima, Yumiko Saga, Jun Kanno, Ikuo Horii, and Tohru Inoue
Masami Suzuki, Kiyoka Katsuyama, Kenji Adachi, Yumie Ohawa, Keigo Yorozu, Eteuko Fujii, Yasuyuki Misawa, and Tetsuro, Sugimoto
Kazuyuki Nagami, Yasunaga Kawashima, Hiroshi Kuno, Masayuki Kemi, and Hiroyoshi Matsumoto
Akiko Suda, Masahiro Yamashita, Mitsuyuki Tabei, Kazuhiko Taguchi, Hans-Werner Vohr, Naohisa Tsutsui, Ritsuyoshi Suzuki, Katsuaki Kikuchi, Keisuke Sakaguchi, Kouki Mochizuki, and Kazuichi Nakamura
2004 (2)
Akira Unami, Yasuo Shinohara, Tomokazu Ichikawa, and Yoshinobu Baba
Tingting Sun, Tangeng Ma, and Ing, K. Ho
2005 (2)
Hiroaki Takahashi
Hiroshi Ono, Yoshiaki Saito, Kiyoshi Imai, and Masanobu Kato
2006 (3)
Lu-Tai Tien, Lir-Wan Fan, Tangeng Ma, Horace H. Loh, and Ing Kang Ho
Nobuaki Matsui, Kazumi Kasajima, Masazumi Hada, Tomomi Nagata, Nobuko Senga, Yumiko Yasui, Nobuyuki Fukuishi, and Masaaki Akagi
Toshinori Yamamoto, Tamio Fukushima, Rie Kakkawa, Hiroshi Yamada, and Ikuo Horii
Toshinori Yamamoto, Rie Kikkawa, Hiroshi Yamada, and Ikuo Horii
Yuka Kohda, Yoshiko Matsunaga, Ryugo Shota, Tomohiko Satoh, Yuko Kishi, Yoshiko Kawai, and Munekazu Gemba
2008 (3)
Kayo Sumida, Koichi Saito, Kenji Oeda, Masanori Otsuka, Kazunari Tsujimura, Hideki Miyaura, Masaru Sekijima, Koji Nakayama, Yukiko Kawano, Yuki Kawakami, Makoto Asamoto, and Tomoyuki Shirai
Toshinori Yamamoto, Kaori Tomizawa, Masaaki Fujikawa, Yasushi Sato, Hiroshi Yamada, and Ikuo Horii
Tamio Fukushima, Yoshimasa Hamada, Hiroshi Yamada, and Ikuo Horii
2009 (4)
Masaaki Miyazawa, Yuichi Ito, Nanae Kosaka, Yuko Nukada, Hitoshi Sakaguchi, Hiroyuki Suzuki, and Naohiro Nishiyama
Yuka Kohda, Hisashi Shirakawa, Kazuhiko Yamane, Kaoru Otsuka, Tatsuji Kono, Fumio Terasaki, and Takao Tanaka
Kiyoshi Shibuya, Junko S. Suzuki, Hideaki Kito, Akira Naganuma, Chiharu Tohyama, and Masahiko Satoh
Hiroaki Miida, Yumiko Noritake, Hitomi Shimoda, Kumi Honda, Toshiki Matsuoka, Ken Sakurai, Makoto Shirai, Sunao Manabe, Wataru Takasaki, and Koichi Ueno
2010 (4)
Mitsuhiro Hirode, Ko Omura, Naoki Kiyosawa, Takeki Uehara, Toshinobu Shimuzu, Atsushi Ono, Toshikazu Miyagishima, Taku Nagao, Yasuo Ohno, and Tetsuro Urushidani
Yasufumi Shutoh, Makio Takeda, Ryoichi Ohtsuka, Atsuko Haishima, Satoru Yamaguchi, Hideaki Fujie, Yutaka Komatsu, Keizo Maita, and Takanori Harada
Daigo Sumi, Yumiko Numasawa, Akiko Endo, Noriko Iwamoto, and Yoshito Kumagai
Toshihiko Makino, Junzo Kinoshita, Shingo Arakawa, Kazumi Ito, Yosuke Ando, Takashi Yamoto, Munehiro Teranishi, Atsushi Sanbuissho, and Hiroyuki Nakayama
2011 (4)
Akiko Honda, Hiroaki Komuro, Tatsuya Hasegawa, Yoshiyuki Seko, Akinori Shimada, Hisamitsu Nagase, Isao Hozumi, Takashi Inuzuka, Hideaki Hara, Yasuyuki Fujiwara, and Masahiko Satoh
Yuki Matsumoto, Takumi Ishida, Tomoki Takeda, Takayuki Koga, Misaki Fujii, Yuji Ishii, Yoshinori Fujimura, Daisuke Miura, Hiroyuki Wariishi, and Hideyuki Yamada
Naoteru Koseki, Jiro Deguchi, Toru Yamada, Hitoshi Funabashi, and Takaki Seki
Daigo Sumi, Masako Akimori, Ken-ichiro Inoue, Hirohisa Takano, and Yoshito Kumagai
2012 (4)
Maki Tokumoto, Yasuyuki Fujiwara, Akinori Shimada, Tatsuya Hasegawa, Yoshiyuki Seko, Hisamitsu Nagase, and Masahiko Satoh
Hidetoshi Shindoh, Kohnosuke Nakano, Takemi Yoshida, and Masaki Ishigai
Akio Kobayashi, Hideaki Yokoyama, Jiro Kataoka, Tomio Ishida, Hideyuki Kuno, Shoichiro Sugai, Hiroyuki Sakakibara and Kayoko Shimoi
Noriyuki Suzuki, Satoshi Ando, Kayo Sumida, Nobuyuki Horie, and Koichi Saito
2013 (4)
Katsuhide Igarashi, Satoshi Kitajima, Ken-ichi Aisaki, Kentaro Tanemura, Yuhji Taquahashi, Noriko Moriyama, Eriko Ikeno, Nae Matsuda, Yumiko Saga, Bruce Blumberg, and Jun Kanno
Shingo Arakawa, Takanori Maejima, Kazunori Fujimoto, Takashi Yamaguchi, Masae Yagi, Tomomi Sugiura, Ryo Atsumi, and Yasushi Yamazoe
Reiko Hirose, Takashi Miura, Ryo Sha, Yasuhiro Shinkai, Toshiko Tanaka-Kagawa, and Yoshito Kumagai
Eriko Taniai, Atsunori Yafune, Hitomi Hayashi, Megu Itahashi, Yukiko Hara-Kudo, Kazuhiko Suzuki, Kunitoshi Mitsumori, and Makoto Shibutani
2014 (4)
Midori Yoshida, Daisetsu Suzuki, Kiyoshi Matsumoto, Mariko Shirota, Kaoru Inoue, Miwa Takahashi, Takeshi Morita, and Atsushi Ono
Takashi Toyama, Yasuhiro Shinkai, Toshiyuki Kaji, and Yoshito Kumagai.
Keishi Ishida, Yaichiro Kotake, Masatsugu Miyara, Kaori Aoki, Seigo Sanoh, Yasunari Kanda, and Shigeru Ohta
Nobuhiko Miura, Atsushige Ashimori, Asuka Takeuchi, Katsumi Ohtani, Naoko Takada, Yukie Yanagiba, Masaharu Mita, Masako Togawa, and Tatsuya Hasegawa
2015 (3)
Yukiko Kametani, Shigenori Iwai, Isao Kuraoka
Akihito Yamashita, Hiroshi Inada, Kazuhiro Chihara, Toru Yamada, Jiro Deguchi, and Hitoshi Funabashi
Ke Du, Tsutomu Takahashi, Shusuke Kuge, Akira Naganuma, and Gi-Wook Hwang
9.6 Pfizer Highly Cited Paper Award
This award, which is sponsored by Pfizer Co., USA, was instituted in 2010 and is presented based on the judgment of the Educational Committee, Its purpose is to recognize Society members who have published highly cited papers in the Journal of Toxicological Sciences (regular issue).
2011 (5)
Atsuya Takagi, Akihiko Hirose, Tetsuji Nishimura, Nobutaka Fukumori, Akio Ogata, Norio Ohashi, Satoshi Kitajima, and Jun Kanno
Yuko Nukada, Masaaki Miyazawa, Nanae Kosaka, Yuichi Ito, Hitoshi Sakaguchi, and Naohiro Nishiyama
Masaaki Miyazawa, Yuichi Ito, Nanae Kosaka, Yuko Nukada, Hitoshi Sakaguchi, Hiroyuki Suzuki, and Naohiro Nishiyama
Tomoyuki Kishida, Shin-ichi Muto, Morimichi Hayashi, Masaru Tsutsui, Satoru Tanaka, Makoto Murakami, and Junji Kuroda
Yoshiko Ikawa, Kayoko Shiba, Emi Ohki, Nanami Mutoh, Masahiko Suzuki, Hiromi Sato, and Koichi Ueno
2012 (3)
Yoshimitsu Sakamoto, Dai Nakae, Nobutaka Fukumori, Kuniaki Tayama, Akihiko Maekawa, Kiyoshi Imai, Akihiko Hirose, Tetsuji Nishimura, Norio Ohashi, and Akio Ogata
Katsunori Yamaura, Manabu Oda, Eriko Suwa, Masahiko Suzuki, Hiromi Sato, and Koichi Ueno
Joon-Woo Kim, Hiroshi Ishibashi, Ryoko Yamauchi, Nobuhiro Ichikawa, Yuji Takao, Masashi Hirano, Minoru Koga, Koji Arizono
2013 (3)
Mika Senzui, Toshiaki Tamura, Keiko Miura, Yoshiaki Ikarashi, Yoshiteru Watanabe, and Makiko Fujii
Yuta Takahashi, Keisuke Mizuo, Yusuke Shinkai, Shigeru Oshio, and Ken Takeda
Takashi Miura and Yoshito Kumagai
2014 (3)
Tomoyo Hashida, Yaichiro Kotake, and Shigeru Ohta
Maki Tokumoto, Yasuyuki Fujiwara, Akinori Shimada, Tatsuya Hasegawa, Yoshiyuki Seko, Hisamitsu Nagase, and Masahiko Satoh
Gi-Wook Hwang, Jin-Yong Lee, Katsunori Ryoke, Fujio Matsuyama, Jong-Mu Kim, Tsutomu Takahashi, and Akira Naganuma
2015 (3)
Kozue Yaginuma-Sakurai, Katsuyuki Murata, Miyuki Iwai-Shimada, Kunihiko Nakai, Naoyuki Kurokawa, Nozomi Tatsuta, and Hiroshi Satoh
Atsumi Yamaguchi, Tomoko Fujitani, Ken-ichi Ohyama, Dai Nakae, Akihiko Hirose, Tetsuji Nishimura, and Akio Ogata
Susumu Ohkawara, Toshiko Tanaka-Kagawa, Yoko Furukawa, and Hideto Jinno
Atsuya Takagi, Akihiko Hirose, Tetsuji Nishimura, Nobutaka Fukumori, Akio Ogata, Norio Ohashi, Satoshi Kitajima, and Jun Kanno
Yuko Nukada, Masaaki Miyazawa, Nanae Kosaka, Yuichi Ito, Hitoshi Sakaguchi, and Naohiro Nishiyama
Masaaki Miyazawa, Yuichi Ito, Nanae Kosaka, Yuko Nukada, Hitoshi Sakaguchi, Hiroyuki Suzuki, and Naohiro Nishiyama
Tomoyuki Kishida, Shin-ichi Muto, Morimichi Hayashi, Masaru Tsutsui, Satoru Tanaka, Makoto Murakami, and Junji Kuroda
Yoshiko Ikawa, Kayoko Shiba, Emi Ohki, Nanami Mutoh, Masahiko Suzuki, Hiromi Sato, and Koichi Ueno
2012 (3)
Yoshimitsu Sakamoto, Dai Nakae, Nobutaka Fukumori, Kuniaki Tayama, Akihiko Maekawa, Kiyoshi Imai, Akihiko Hirose, Tetsuji Nishimura, Norio Ohashi, and Akio Ogata
Katsunori Yamaura, Manabu Oda, Eriko Suwa, Masahiko Suzuki, Hiromi Sato, and Koichi Ueno
Joon-Woo Kim, Hiroshi Ishibashi, Ryoko Yamauchi, Nobuhiro Ichikawa, Yuji Takao, Masashi Hirano, Minoru Koga, Koji Arizono
2013 (3)
Mika Senzui, Toshiaki Tamura, Keiko Miura, Yoshiaki Ikarashi, Yoshiteru Watanabe, and Makiko Fujii
Yuta Takahashi, Keisuke Mizuo, Yusuke Shinkai, Shigeru Oshio, and Ken Takeda
Takashi Miura and Yoshito Kumagai
2014 (3)
Tomoyo Hashida, Yaichiro Kotake, and Shigeru Ohta
Maki Tokumoto, Yasuyuki Fujiwara, Akinori Shimada, Tatsuya Hasegawa, Yoshiyuki Seko, Hisamitsu Nagase, and Masahiko Satoh
Gi-Wook Hwang, Jin-Yong Lee, Katsunori Ryoke, Fujio Matsuyama, Jong-Mu Kim, Tsutomu Takahashi, and Akira Naganuma
2015 (3)
Kozue Yaginuma-Sakurai, Katsuyuki Murata, Miyuki Iwai-Shimada, Kunihiko Nakai, Naoyuki Kurokawa, Nozomi Tatsuta, and Hiroshi Satoh
Atsumi Yamaguchi, Tomoko Fujitani, Ken-ichi Ohyama, Dai Nakae, Akihiko Hirose, Tetsuji Nishimura, and Akio Ogata
Susumu Ohkawara, Toshiko Tanaka-Kagawa, Yoko Furukawa, and Hideto Jinno
10. Participation of the JSOT in the international toxicology organizations.
10.1 International Union of Toxicology (IUTOX)
Prior to the foundation of the International Union of Toxicology (IUTOX), the International Congress of Toxicology (ICT), which is not IUTOX-sponsored, was held in 1977 in Toronto, Canada. At the 2nd congress in Brussels, Belgium in 1980, the IUTOX formation preparation meeting was held, and Dr. Yasuhiko Shirasu (Japan) was invited to attend. IUTOX was officially founded in 1980. Prior to the founding of the JSTS, the Toxicological Research Group entered into IUTOX membership in 1980. Charter member societies include the UK, USA, India, Japan, Sweden, EUROTOX, Finland, France, and Canada.
(1) Executive Committee Members
Dr. S. L. Fries (USA) was appointed as the Founding President, and Masayuki Ikeda (Japan) joined the Founding Executive Committee members as a Director.
Executive Committee members representing JSOT
Masayuki Ikeda (Director) (1980-1983)
Fuminori Sakai (2nd Vice President) (1983-1986)
Hideomi Fukuda (2nd Vice President) (1986-1989, 1989-1992)
Tetsuo Satoh (2nd Vice President) (1995-1998, 1998-2001, 2003-2004)
Yuji Kurokawa (2nd Vice President) (2001-2004) (Left the IUTOX in 2003)
Tohru Inoue (2nd Vice President) (2004-2007, 2007-2009) (Left the IUTOX in 2009)
Jun Kanno (Vice President) (2009-2010, 2010-2013)
Jun Kanno (President-Elect) (2013-2016)
IUTOX-sponsored International Congress (International Congress of Toxicology, ICT) has been held every three years. In 1986, the Society hosted the 4th International Congress of Toxicology (ICT-IV) in Tokyo, Japan (President: Fuminori Sakai) It was attended by 1,104 participants from 39 different countries.
Past ICT Congresses
1st (1997) Toronto, Canada; 2nd (1980) Brussels, Belgium; 3rd (1983) San Diego, USA; 4th (1986) Tokyo, Japan; 5th (1989) Brighton, UK; 6th (1992) Rome, Italy; 7th (1995) Seattle, USA; 8th (1998) Paris, France; 9th (2001) Brisbane, Australia; 10th (2004) Tampere, Finland; 11th (2007) Montreal, Canada; 12th (2010) Barcelona, Spain; 13th (2013) Seoul, Korea; 14th (2016) Merida, Mexico; 15th (2019) Hawaii, USA
Fuminori Sakai (2nd Vice President) (1983-1986)
Hideomi Fukuda (2nd Vice President) (1986-1989, 1989-1992)
Tetsuo Satoh (2nd Vice President) (1995-1998, 1998-2001, 2003-2004)
Yuji Kurokawa (2nd Vice President) (2001-2004) (Left the IUTOX in 2003)
Tohru Inoue (2nd Vice President) (2004-2007, 2007-2009) (Left the IUTOX in 2009)
Jun Kanno (Vice President) (2009-2010, 2010-2013)
Jun Kanno (President-Elect) (2013-2016)
IUTOX-sponsored International Congress (International Congress of Toxicology, ICT) has been held every three years. In 1986, the Society hosted the 4th International Congress of Toxicology (ICT-IV) in Tokyo, Japan (President: Fuminori Sakai) It was attended by 1,104 participants from 39 different countries.
Past ICT Congresses
1st (1997) Toronto, Canada; 2nd (1980) Brussels, Belgium; 3rd (1983) San Diego, USA; 4th (1986) Tokyo, Japan; 5th (1989) Brighton, UK; 6th (1992) Rome, Italy; 7th (1995) Seattle, USA; 8th (1998) Paris, France; 9th (2001) Brisbane, Australia; 10th (2004) Tampere, Finland; 11th (2007) Montreal, Canada; 12th (2010) Barcelona, Spain; 13th (2013) Seoul, Korea; 14th (2016) Merida, Mexico; 15th (2019) Hawaii, USA
10. 2 Asian Society of Toxicology (ASIATOX)
10.2.1 Origin
The roots of the Asian Society of Toxicology (ASIATOX) extend back to a Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Toxicology organized by JSOT and the Korean Society of Toxicology (KSOT). This event was held three times between 1987 and 1993 (1987) Seoul, Korea; (1990) Nagoya, Japan; (1993) Seoul, Korea.
10.2.2 Preliminary meeting of the formation of ASIATOX
In 1992, representatives of the JSOT and KSOT met to discuss the formation of ASIATOX at the 6th International Congress of Toxicology (ICT-VI) in Rome, Italy. After long discussions, it was concluded that formation of ASIATOX was necessary to promote toxicological research and to nurture the education of toxicology specialists in Asia.
10.2.3. Preparatory meeting for the formation of ASIATOX
The ASIATOX preparatory meeting was held in conjunction with the 3rd Japan-Korea joint symposium on November 27, 1993 at the Cultural Center of Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea. A total of 15 toxicologists, including six from Korea, seven from Japan, and one each from Taiwan and Singapore, attended the event.
10.2.4. Foundation of the ASIATOX
On June 8, 1994, the founding meeting and the first council meeting of ASIATOX was held at Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan. Participants from each member society totaled 16, including eight from Japan, three from Korea, two each from China and Taiwan, and one from Thailand.
10.2.5. Member societies
In addition to JSOT and KSOT, other founding member societies include the Chinese Society of Toxicology (CSOT), the Thai Society of Toxicology (TST) (formerly the Toxicological Society of Thailand), and the Toxicology Society of Taiwan (TSTA). ASIATOX founding members were joined by the Iranian Society of Toxicology (2012) and the Toxicology Society (Singapore) in 2013. As of January 20, 2015, ASIATOX boasted more than 3000 members from a variety of industry, academia and regulatory organizations.
10.2.6 ASIATOX congresses
The ASIATOX Congresses are spaced three years apart, with the first (ASIATOX-I) hosted by JSOT in Yokohama in 1997. This event was attended by 474 participants from 13 countries. In 2012, JSOT hosted ASIATOX-VI in Sendai. This event attracted 522 participants from 17 countries including 327 from Japan, 73 from Korea, 44 from China, 42 from Taiwan, and four each from Thailand and Singapore.
10.2.7 The founding ASIATOX Executive Committee members (1994-1997)
President: | Tomoji Yanagita (Japan) |
1st Vice President: | Sang Dai Park (Korea) |
2nd Vice President: | Jion Lin Zhou (China) |
Secretary General: | Tetsuo Satoh (Japan) |
Treasurer: | Kyu-Hwan Yang (Korea) |
Councilors: Hitoshi Endou (Japan), Yong-Soon Lee (Korea), Ming-Dao Wang (China), Il-Moo Chang (Korea), Palarp Sinhaseni (Thailand)
Auditors: Jen-kun Lin (Taiwan) and Songsak Srianujata (Thailand)
(2) Past Presidents and the Councilors representing the JSOT.
See above
See above
President: | Il Moo Chan (Korea) |
Treasurer | Hideaki Karaki |
Councilors | Hitoshi Endou |
Tetsuo Satoh | |
Michito Takahashi | |
Past President: | Tomoji Yanagita |
President: | Songsak Srianujata (Thailand) |
Advisor | Tetsuo Satoh |
(Appointed by the President): | |
Councilors: | Materials not yet available |
President: | Jun-Shi Chen (China) |
2nd Vice President: | Hitoshi Endou |
Councilors: | Ikuo Horii |
Shuji Tsuda | |
Taku Nagao | |
Junichi Sawada | |
Chiharu Toyama | |
Yasushi Yamazoe | |
Advisor: | Tetsuo Satoh |
President: | Jou-Fang Deng. (Taiwan) |
1st Vice President: | Akira Naganuma |
Councilors: | Yoshikatsu Kanai |
Jun Kanno | |
Sunao Manabe | |
Chiharu Toyama | |
Advisor: | Tetsuo Satoh |
President: | Akira Naganuma (Japan) |
Secretary General: | Yoshito Kumagai |
Councilors: | Ikuo Horii |
Takemi Yoshida | |
Chiharu Toyama | |
Sunao Manabe | |
Advisor: | Tetsuo Satoh |
President: | Myung-Haing Cho (Korea) |
Treasurer: | Yoshito Kumagai |
Councilors: | Ikuo Horii |
Jun Kanno | |
Chiharu Toyama | |
Takemi Yoshida | |
Sunao Manabe | |
Past President: | Akira Naganuma |
Advisor: | Tetsuo Satoh |
(3) International Congress of ASIATOX
ASIATOX congresses have been hosted every three years by the member societies
1st: Tomoji Yanagita, June 29-July 2, 1997, Yokohama, Japan
2nd: Il-Moo Chang, August 23-25, 2000, Jeju-Do, Korea,
3rd: Songsak Srianujayta, February 1-6, 2004, Bangkok and Chiang Mai, Thailand
4th: Jun-Shi Chen, June 18-21, 2006, Zhuhai, China,
5th: Jou-Fang Deng, September 10-13, 2009,- Taipei, Taiwan,
6th: Akira Naganuma, July 17-20, 2012, Sendai, Japan
7th: Myung-Haing Cho, June 23-26, 2015, Jeju, Korea,
8th: Songsak Srianujata, 2018, Thailand
1st: Tomoji Yanagita, June 29-July 2, 1997, Yokohama, Japan
2nd: Il-Moo Chang, August 23-25, 2000, Jeju-Do, Korea,
3rd: Songsak Srianujayta, February 1-6, 2004, Bangkok and Chiang Mai, Thailand
4th: Jun-Shi Chen, June 18-21, 2006, Zhuhai, China,
5th: Jou-Fang Deng, September 10-13, 2009,- Taipei, Taiwan,
6th: Akira Naganuma, July 17-20, 2012, Sendai, Japan
7th: Myung-Haing Cho, June 23-26, 2015, Jeju, Korea,
8th: Songsak Srianujata, 2018, Thailand
11. Conclusion and future perspectives
The development of toxicology as a recognized scientific discipline has proceeded at a rapid pace over the past 10 years. Its genomic basis, in particular, has been of consequence, and its growth is likely to accelerate in the future. Over the years, the JSOT has achieved exceptional success with its meetings, publications, member services, and outreach activities. The Society’s two ongoing missions are maintaining the high quality certification program for toxicologists and considering ways to improve the Society journals.
Concerning certification, the number of JSOT-certified toxicologists has increased every year and the certification program is now well recognized worldwide. Society diplomats receive several benefits such as health promotion at the workplace. Another goal of the program is to expand it to toxicologists in other countries. As for the journal, the JTS editorial team envisions building a publication with increased visibility, and which will enhance the scientific edge in the field of toxicology. As JTS modernizes, it will provide a highly efficient web-based manuscript submission and review system in the near future. The system will facilitate all aspects of manuscript submission, including tracking and communication between authors, reviewers and editors.
Ultimately, the mission of JSOT is to develop an implementation plan that ensures a systematic and efficient expenditure of energies and resources, and that is most closely aligned with a carefully considered strategy for accomplishing its long-range plans.
Concerning certification, the number of JSOT-certified toxicologists has increased every year and the certification program is now well recognized worldwide. Society diplomats receive several benefits such as health promotion at the workplace. Another goal of the program is to expand it to toxicologists in other countries. As for the journal, the JTS editorial team envisions building a publication with increased visibility, and which will enhance the scientific edge in the field of toxicology. As JTS modernizes, it will provide a highly efficient web-based manuscript submission and review system in the near future. The system will facilitate all aspects of manuscript submission, including tracking and communication between authors, reviewers and editors.
Ultimately, the mission of JSOT is to develop an implementation plan that ensures a systematic and efficient expenditure of energies and resources, and that is most closely aligned with a carefully considered strategy for accomplishing its long-range plans.
(March 14, 2016)